Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Sunday packed with Franconian traditions

I woke up this morning at 7 am and decided to go for a longer run today. Yesterday I ran my favorite loop which is approximately 3.5 miles on tempo, today I wanted to run a slower 8.5 mile loop. It was beautiful this morning but it was freezing cold! I checked the temperature before my run, it was only 1 degree Celsius (~35F)! I didn’t even bring the right running gear for such low temperatures but I layered up as good as possible and started running. I ran towards a part of Nürnberg that is called “Kraftshof”, it’s in Nürnberg’s countryside with many farmers,fields and lots of forest, it is really beautiful and very traditional. I ran half of the distance on beautiful trails through the woods (my Dad was really worried about me running so early all by myself…Dad!) and the second half of my run was passing fields and Nürnberg airport. I only met 5 people during my run, it was so quiet and relaxing. Back home, Mum was already waiting with breakfast and coffee, it was a perfect start in the day!

Later, my parents cooked a traditional German dish for lunch: Sauerbraten! It was soooo delicious but also quite filling. My parents decided to rest a little on the couch, I grabbed my Dad’s bike to go for a short 10 mile-loop (I had to remove spider webs first...). That was a really good decision! I biked to a little place called “Neunhof” and then passed “Kraftshof” on my way back home.
When I approached Kraftshof, there were so many people – first I thought it’s a wedding, but as I kept on biking, I approached a police car closing off the roads and more and more people. I asked them what was going on and they said it’s the “Kraftshofer Kärwa-Umzug” which is something like a pageant, an opening ceremony for a country fair.

So I got off my bike and watched the whole thing – it was so much fun! Bavarian marching bands, horses, beer, happy people – I was so lucky to run into this event by accident! I love Bavarian traditions, I love Germany and I am enjoying every minute of my stay!

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