Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Plank queen" getting ready for a new bootcamp session!

It’s time to write this blog a little more frequent again! Tomorrow, a new session of Basic Training bootcamp starts, so I will keep you updated on this again. Also, I signed up for another month of unlimited classes at the Bar Method. I started today and I have to say it was very painful…I didn’t do the Bar Method the last 7 weeks and I lost a lot of my strength… time to pick it up again, I am really excited! I want to get my abs back! Oh, speaking of abs… you can call me “plank queen” from now on :) You have no idea how proud I am! If you read my first blog (Sue’s 6 week challenge”) you might remember how hard the bootcamp was for me during the first 6 weeks – I was always the weakest member in the group. Last Friday, my second session ended and I am very happy to report that I am not the slowest/weakest person in the team anymore. It is amazing how much I improved over the last 6 weeks. I mean it is still very hard and I still have a lot of room for improvement, but I am getting faster and stronger and usually don’t come in last anymore. Last Friday, we did a little contest (it was the last workout of the session) and one of the tasks was to hold a plank as long as possible – guess who won? Can you believe it??? I held the plank for 4:20 min (4:19 min was when the last person still holding it gave up…); I never thought I am that competitive but I think Basic Training is revealing my competitive side…I guess I have to thank the bar method as well for giving me such a great core strength.

Two weeks ago, we did some timed runs – we had to run 1 mile at a fast pace, get a minute rest and then run another mile, but it had to be faster than the first mile… I ran 8:41min and the second mile 8:32min – I know I can do much better than this, I want to be able to run a sub-eight. The fastest person ran a 5:46min/mile, that was simply impressive. But considering that I usually run 10:30 min/miles I wasn’t too unhappy with my performance. So the next 4 weeks will be packed with Basic Training and Bar method workouts - the goal is to challenge myself more at Basic Training, get a better time on the mile, get my sugar addiction under control and - I am not going to lie - hopefully drop those last (really annoying) 8 pounds.

I still haven’t decided if I’ll run the Nike’s women marathon or not… somehow I have such a hard time to motivate myself for 15+mile runs…I love my current workouts so much that I wonder if I should really run 26.2 miles if I don’t enjoy it…And sometimes I feel like the marathon training takes the fun out of running for me because I feel guilty when I “only” run 8 miles – but that is a distance that I truly enjoy. So maybe I just shouldn’t go for a full marathon anymore…but then I also hate to quit…what shall I do? What if I only train for 15 miles… will I get through the race… will I be able to pick up my Tiffany necklace at the finish line…? I don’t know, we shall see!

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