Wednesday, October 20, 2010

jump - run - jump - run - jump - run -...

Yesterday, I started the day with 6 am Basic Training class. We worked out with Jenn at Fillmore Street. It is a tough hill but it wasn’t too bad as we were also running stairs and not just the hill. It was a great workout. I was quite busy at work and I worked all day before I met with A.T. in the evening for another workout.

Honestly, I was really scared to work out with him again, last time was really tough… This time, I worked out together with Ryan and Paul, so the atmosphere was different (more friendly). The workout was great. Although, when I think about it, people watching me must think I am nuts for doing this workout. We started with stretching and some agility exercises for “quick feet”. He lined up app. 20 cones for different exercises. The funny thing is that if you mess up at cone 18, you do it again. And again. And again… he is very consequent when it comes to educating people (in terms of paying attention, listening and focusing). Last time when we did the cones he told us to NOT start before the person in front of you has reached the last cone. As I got in trouble for an early start last time, I waited patiently this time.

So now please tell me, what are YOU waiting for???

“well last time you told me to…” (oops. I was confused...)

Last time is in the PAST. This is not the PAST. This is NOW. You have got to let go the past.”


Last time when we worked out it was sunny, but it is the PAST. Today it’s chilly, that’s NOW.”

OK, I get it, ok!”

You gotta let go the past!!

OOOOKKKKK, got it!!!”

Arrrgh! Take-home message: do NOT argue with Alhaji… Then my “main program” began: jump rope. Ugh. Me and the jump rope... I am not really good at it. Of course, it wasn’t just jumping rope – every time I messed up with the jump rope, I had to do 10 push ups. Then 10 crunches. Then 10 squats. Then 10 lunges. Each jump-rope interval was approximately 3-4 minutes long and in between, I had to run to a stop light that was approximately 200 m away. And jump rope again. Run. Jump rope. Run. Jump rope. Run….I guess you get the picture. Overall, I did 40 “punishment push ups”, 20 “punishment crunches”, 30 squats and 20 lunges *sigh* that’s how bad I am at jumping rope…haha. Well, at some point even 10 “punishment squats” felt like a nice break from all the jumping… I then did 100 (!) toe touches (for the abs) and 20 “Russian Twists” followed by 20 more squats with a 20 lbs kettlebell. He also made me do the “upswing”-highbar-exercise again. Last time, he had me try 30 times and I just couldn’t do it. Yesterday, I only had to do 10 but…tadaaaaa: I managed to actually do one, hurray! Sounds ridiculous but already better than last week. We did a little more agility training and a few more exercises for the abs, than I had do drag a 110 lbs disc weight across the green and back and the I was done for the day…

A.T. comes across a little harsh sometimes but I think that’s what makes me work out harder (although I do get a little pissed sometimes…). I am not even sure how much of this “meanness” is just a show, I think in fact that he is a nice guy. His workouts are incredibly hard but a ton of fun and I know he will help me to achieve my goals. And I have to admit that he is right in most of the things he says, it is more the way how he says it that I have to get used to… but I am a tough one and I can take it, I just have to stop talking back… ;-)

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